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Climate Change Adaptation Plan

This plan focuses on our first steps to build capability, capacity and systems so we can better respond to climate change.

The adaptation plan is aligned with the NSW Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, and the National Climate Resilience and Adaptation Strategy. We are working separately to address climate change mitigation (this includes NSW Government commitments to reach net zero for carbon emissions).

The plan includes 3 objectives and 7 actions that we will take over the next 2 years (2025-26). A short summary of each is available below.

Crown Lands Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2025-26

Water flowing down river

Objectives and actions

Objective 1: Build climate resilience across the Crown land estate

We will build climate resilience by proactively completing on-ground works that lessen the effects of climate change.


  1. Manage coastal risk – Support development and implementation of coastal management programs.
  2. Carry out bushfire management activities on Crown land – Deliver the following planned programs:
    1. maintain asset protection zones annually
    2. complete planned hazard-reduction burning
    3. inspect and maintain fire trails.
Objective 2: Develop our capacity, capability and systems to better respond to the impacts of climate change

We will increase the capacity and capability of our staff to identify and respond to climate impacts and risks.

We will integrate climate data within our systems to help us to make informed decisions.


  1. Integrate climate data:
    1. complete coastal mapping project to assess the exposure of Crown land to coastal hazards
    2. analyse flood map data and impact assessments to identify high-risk assets and prepare for future events
    3. integrate climate change data into Crown Lands’ integrated asset management information system
    4. review built and natural assets to understand which are the most vulnerable or at risk.
  2. Build Crown land manager capability - Give Crown land manager volunteers information and support to prepare for and respond to natural disasters.
  3. Partner with Aboriginal stakeholders - Work in partnership with Aboriginal stakeholders to carry out planned cultural burns in Albury, Murray River, South Coast, Scotts Head and Sydney.
  4. Build staff capability:
    1. develop information and guidance for staff to improve their understanding and knowledge of climate change and its impact on the Crown estate
    2. carry out Crown Lands’ Emergency Management Strategy.
Objective 3: Include climate change in evidence-based decisions made about the Crown estate

We will ensure we always consider climate change in key decisions about land and asset use.


  1. Make climate risks part of Crown Lands’ policy and decision-making frameworks, starting with:
    1. decisions about land use
    2. coastal land
    3. asset management.