A NSW Government website

Alter a licence


A licensee can request an alteration to their licence in some circumstances. For example:

  • a reduction in the area of the licence
  • the removal of a purpose specified in the licence
  • the addition of a purpose to the licence that has no greater impact or usage on the land
  • the addition or removal of a term or condition of the licence, provided the action has no greater impact or usage on the land.

Licences that can be altered

  • Grazing
  • Domestic waterfront
  • General licence
Alter a grazing licence

An alteration of purpose and/or a condition of an existing licence is allowed except when:

  • the holder of a licence changes
  • a new permanent structure—requiring a development application—is authorised
  • the area or purpose of the licence has increased, in either size or impact
  • the term of a licence is extended
  • the clauses of a licence change. In some instances an alteration is not permitted.

Apply for an alteration of purpose and condition (PDF 109KB) for a grazing licence.

Alter a domestic waterfront licence

A licensee can request an alteration to their licence in some circumstances. An alteration will only be allowable where the proposed alteration relates to:

  • a reduction in the area of the licence
  • the removal of a purpose specified in the licence
  • the addition of a purpose to the licence that has no greater impact or usage on the land
  • the addition or removal of a term or condition of the licence, provided the action has no greater impact or usage on the land.

An application fee is payable when submitting an application for a licence alteration.
Where proposed changes fail to meet the above criteria, you must submit an application for a new licence.

Apply for an alteration of purpose and condition (PDF, 110 KB) for a domestic waterfront licence.

Sublicence a domestic waterfront licence

With approval, licence holders who have an approved berthing area within their licence can sub-licence their berthing areas to a third party. 

This incentive generates an income for the licence holder and rationalises waterfront structures and moorings, freeing up space in waterways.

The minimum term for a sub-licence agreement is 12 months. The maximum term is 5 years or the balance remaining on the domestic waterfront facility licence (if fewer than 5 years). 

In addition to the annual domestic waterfront licence rent, there is an annual charge for the authority to sub-licence a berthing.The berthing area can only be used for a domestic purpose and private recreation.

Apply online

Alter a general licence

A licensee can request an alteration to their licence in some circumstances. An alteration will only be allowable where the proposed alteration relates to:

  • a reduction in the area of the licence
  • the removal of a purpose specified in the licence
  • the addition of a purpose to the licence that has no greater impact or usage on the land
  • the addition or removal of a term or condition of the licence, provided the action has no greater impact
  • or usage on the land

An application fee is payable when submitting an application for a licence alteration. 

Where proposed changes fail to meet the above criteria, you must submit an application for a new licence.

Apply for an alteration of purpose and condition (PDF, 109 KB) for a general licence.

Payment methods

An invoice for the application fee of $239.00 will be sent to you when the application starts to be processed.

Most licences are also subject to payment of an annual rent, which is determined from the current market value. You will be notified of the annual rent payable after the licence application has been assessed.

Apply for a licence alteration

Apply to alter your General Licence, Grazing Licence or Domestic Waterfront Licence

The quickest and easiest way to get your application processed is to use the online form.

If you are unable to use it, complete the PDF version: Licence - alteration of purpose and condition application (PDF, 204 KB)