A NSW Government website

Terminate a licence

Licences can be terminated at any time or will be considered upon the request of the licensee.

Reasons that we will terminate a licence include:

  • the licensee has failed to comply with the conditions of the licence
  • the land under licence has been sold or compulsorily acquired
  • a native title consent determination
  • Aboriginal land claim, Aboriginal land agreement or Indigenous land use agreement has been made or granted over the land.

A field inspection may also be undertaken to ensure that all requirements have been met prior to termination.

We may require you to undertake certain activities, such as remediation of land, removal of structures or payment of outstanding amounts prior to termination being considered.

Any overpaid rent will be refunded. The termination of a licence does not waive any outstanding rent on the licence. Any amounts outstanding upon termination will continue to be a debt that is pursued by us.

How to end your licence agreement

A licensee may also apply to terminate their licence by completing the Terminate a Licence online application form.

The licence holder must ensure that the below applicable actions have been taken before the department will consider ending the licence agreement:

  • Usage and occupation of the Crown land has ceased.
  • Crown land is fenced out of any adjoining freehold land (if applicable).
  • Invasive species/environmental weeds have been eradicated or sprayed within the last 6 months.
  • All rubbish has been removed.
  • The land has been left in a clean and tidy condition.
  • All other conditions of the licence (including special conditions, if any) have been complied with.
  • All stock has been removed (if applicable).
  • The licence account has no outstanding debt.
  • Structures have been removed.

Terminate a General Licence

Apply online


Download, print and mail your completed form – Licence termination statutory declaration (PDF, 263 KB).

Terminate a Communications Licence

Apply online